Where the Holy Spirit Led Us!!

We were led so far to 42 states to pray, share the gospel and minister to whom ever the Holy Spirit leads us to!! We have reached out to the homeless, people in the market place, and people in church settings amongst other places. Brandon has preached online with a church group in the country of Pakistan, a church in New York, Tennessee, and Virginia so far, as well as twice at a men’s breakfast in Pennsylvania. In the picture below shows from December 2021-December 2022 all the red dots shows where we have been led without the funding from the sale of our property the Lord told us to sell in September 2021. All the places we have gone was funded from what Holy Spirit placed on people’s hearts to donate along the way and throughout.

How Amazing is Our God!!

We have been so far to 663 cities visited, and about 75,000 miles across the country! So many lives touched all while glorifying Christ!!